What's on in the community
Game Habitat and our members host a multitude of events, to share knowledge, to create business opportunities, and to just have fun. Some events are open to all, some are limited to people in the games industry. Our events are typically free of charge, but requires signing up. Welcome to join, find our events in the calendar above!

Many of our events are social gatherings, such as our Game Developer Meetups - our biggest recurring event which brings together up to 500 people each time.

Games is also business, and we host a wide array of events to provide various business opportunities to studios and individuals in our community.

Professional development is key, so we regularly host guest speakers, experts, successful peers, and others to help game professionals hone their skills.
For studios and developers
Opportunities exclusively for those working in the game development industry. Provided by Game Habitat as part of our vision to create the best environment for game development. Updates regularly.
Give or get advice via our support network
The network consists of individuals from around the community who want to share their expertise, or get advice. Many want a bit of both. The network also provides excellent opportunities to grow your network within the community.
Apply for GEM's mentorship program
The program include matchmaking, toolkit, and meetups. It's open to game developers identifying as women, trans women, transitioning women, and non-binary with the lived experience of being met and perceived as women.

New support program
Kick-start your studio in Haven
Are you ready to try out your own game ideas, in your own game studio? Then the Haven is for you! Haven is specifically designed for experienced game developers that want to kick-start their own game studio.
More biz opportunities
In our Discord channel #Biz-opportunity, we continuously share and discuss various opportunities for studios and developers to take advantage of as they build their games and studios. Don't miss out, join our Discord!
Want to help out?
Game Habitat is always on the lookout for individual developers and studios interested in getting involved to improve the games industry or to give back. Let us know if you're interested in volunteering at events or game jams, do talks for students, receive interns, or anything else!

Highlighted project
BSG-Go! is a project creating a community for young game developers and entrepreneurs to build on communication competences and ensure stable growth for the games industry. The three year project is a collaboration between 13 partners from seven countries and is co-funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Game Habitat leads one of the project’s work packages and takes part in several others. The work package we lead, and our focus in the project, is about implementing tools to encourage hybrid or digital in-person communication. Find out more about the project.