Making a career in games is not just about changing roles or company, however, it’s also about leveling up your professional skills. And at the pace of which game development is developing, you will have to learn a lot of new skills during your career. And if you enjoy your craft, you’ll likely also enjoy learning the new stuff.
Game studios regularly provide opportunities for employees to continue to learn. It can be as easy as sending them back to school for further training, or hosting internal learning sessions, buying tickets to conferences so that they can listen to inspirational talks, or hosting game james to try new stuff out. For game studios, it’s essential that they help their employees keep unlocking new skills and keep up to date with the latest developments in their profession. Simply because they need their employees to utilize newly gained knowledge to create even better games. Plus, of course, most people enjoy learning new skills, and happy employees means the studios are more likely to retain their hard-won employees.
Because, yes, with a couple of years of experience, you’re likely to have a lot of possible career choices. After all, there is a significant labor shortage in the industry. And for the individual experienced employee, that creates a lot of opportunities.